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Acme Fingerprinting

Stress-free fingerprinting with a smile!

 Any licensed company can take your prints.

Here’s why you should choose us.

  1. We care, a lot.
  2. We’re very, very good at what we do.
  3. We put you at ease by answering your questions in non-techie English.
  4. If we don’t know something (as unlikely as that may be), we’ll be honest, say so and do our best to find the correct answer.
  5. We’re available via phone or e-mail for follow-up questions.
  6. We’ll do such a good job you’ll be happy and maybe even excited to refer your friends to us.
  7. Your time is an investment. Please make an appointment by calling 815-656-4777. We’ll do our best to accommodate your schedule.

We picked Wile E. Coyote as our mascot on purpose.

  1. He never gives up.
  2. His focus is always on success.
  3. He comes up with creative solutions (well, almost).
  4. He’s pretty smart.
  5. He’s fun to hang with (just like us).